Tuesday, 12 March 2019


We shall look at the Jewish wedding traditions in trying to understand rapture
There are three important ceremonies in a Jewish wedding namely

1.Wedding contract (betrothal) 

2 . presentation (groom takes bride)

3.Wedding feast(reception) 

A)The young man (bridegroom)prepares a marriage contract and takes it to the young woman's home(bride) and presents it to the brides father. He states his willingness to provide for the bride and terms of the marriage. He must state the bride price in the contract and it must be high for it to be accepted.In Jewish culture there is nothing called courtship.

Jesus has already done that. He came to the home of his bride (Earth) and presented his marriage contract (new covenant) He has already paid the bride price with his own life

1 Corinthians 6:20,
For you were bought at a price ,therefore glorify God in your body and your spirit which are God's

Acts 20:28
Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood

B)The cup
If the bride price is agreeable to the brides father, the young man pour wine into a cup  and gives the bride. If the woman drinks from the cup it signifies acceptance. At this point betrothal (ketubah)takes place. In the Jewish culture betrothal is legally binding.

This is why angel Gabriel told Joseph go and take Mary your'wife'....

From this moment the bride is now set apart, consecrated and sanctified exclusively for the bridegroom

Jesus has already done this,  he poured wine into a cup and gave it to the disciples, the disciples took it thereby accepting betrothal

Matthew 26:27
Then he took the cup and gave thanks and gave it to them saying"drink from it,all of you .....

C)Gifts to the bride
The bridegroom then presents special gifts to the bride as a show of appreciation. The gifts also help the bride to remember the groom during the long betrothal period. 

Jesus gave us the gifts of the holy spirit to help us remember him in our betrothal period. 

John 14:26,
This things I have spoken to you while being present with you, But the helper the holy spirit whom the father will send in my name ,He will teach you all things and bring your REMEMBRANCE all things that I said to you

(D). The bridegroom leaves the bride at her fathers place and goes to prepare a wedding chamber for her.The chamber must be prepared in the grooms father's house or property.

It is important to note that this bridal chamber called huppar in Hebrew must be prepared according to the instruction and specification of the grooms father.

The grooms father keeps on inspecting the chamber until he is satisfied. The chamber must be very beautiful. The groom cannot go to collect the bride until his father approves. If you meet the groom on the streets and ask him"when is your wedding, is answer can only be"only my father knows

Jesus went back to his Father to prepare a chamber for his bride, its being prepared as per the Fathers instruction and its only the Father who knows the wedding date

Mark 13:32-33
But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the son but only the father

John 14:3,
and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again to receive you to myself........

 (E) . A waiting bride is supposed to be holy, consecrated and set apart. She prepares for marriage and eagerly waits for the return of the groom to take her home. She does not talk walk or dress like every other girl. When she goes outside the house she veils her face,this is a physical sign to put off suitors.

She keeps are lamp on and keeps extra oil because she does not know when the groom will come for her.Israel has a rocky terrain and if the groom comes at night (which was the norm)she will need her lamp.She keeps are belongings ready and packed.She doesn't know when the bridegroom will come.

Jesus expects her bride to be holy, consecrated and set apart.He expects her to keep the oil (anointing)and the lamp (God's word) always ready.

I hope now you understand the parable of the ten virgins.

Separation of the bride of Christ is what Jesus expects, and the modern church cannot meet this standard. The bride must talk holy,dress holy and reason and think holy and be holy inside and outside.The bride of Christ cannot copy the world,she is busy waiting for her groom who can show up anytime

 1 Peter 2:9,
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a HOLY nation, His own SPECIAL people......

2 Corinthians 6:17,
therefore come out from among them,and be SEPARATE says the Lord, do not touch what is unclean and I will receive you

2 Corinthians 7:1,
Therefore, having these promises beloved ,let us CLEANSE ourselves from all FILTHINESS OF FLESH AND SPIRIT, perfecting HOLINESS in the FEAR OF GOD

Psalm 4:3,
But know that the LORD has set APART for Himself him who is godly....

Deuteronomy 14:2,
for you are a HOLY people to the LORD your God ,and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a SPECIAL TREASURE above all the people on the face of earth

God is Holy and without holiness no one will see Him.The gifts of God are irrevocable ,so don't let that cheat you my brother and sister. You will still receive visions, you will teach powerfully ,you will preach powerfully in a miniskirt and people will receive Christ but remember that just a gift and it can operate in you anytime. Take time and pray for yourself as a bride of Christ

At the end of the separation period, the bridegroom goes to fetch his bride, according to the Jewish culture it called"stealing away the bride",because no notice is given. He has to abduct her secretly and it is done mostly at night just around mid night.

The bridegroom comes with his groomsmen and they abduct the bride and the bride must also leave with her bride maids who were preparing her for this night festivity. The bride must be veiled.

Since a notice is not given to the brides family ,the arrival of the bridegroom is preceded by a big shout or blowing of a shofar (horn trumpet).The groom does not go to the compound the bride must come out and meet the groom.

When the groom takes the bride to his fathers house they go straight to the honeymoon chamber for marriage consummation. They must stay there for seven days.Afterwards they come out and the bride comes out without veil and everybody gets to see her.

 After this the groom must take the bride to his own home.Note that the honeymoon happens in the groom's fathers house,in the special chamber specifically made for honeymoon.

Jesus will come for his bride in the same manner. It's called Rapture.
Jesus will descent from heaven with a shout 

1 thessalonians 4:16,
For the Lord Himself will descent from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God.........

1 Corinthians 15:52,
In a moment ,in the twinkling of an eye ,at the last trumpet .For the trumpet will sound ,and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed.....

Matthew 24:42,
Watch therefore for you do not know the hour of the Lords coming,

Vs44,Therefore you also be ready ,for the son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect

The bride must be escorted  by the maids who were preparing her and in this case THE HOLYGHOST goes up with the church. There will no longer be the holyspirit on earth, he must leave with the bride. 

The groom will come with his groomsmen. Jesus will appear with heaven host. 

Jesus will meet his bride in the air and and take her to His fathers house for honeymoon. What a joy, I pray that we shall make it
The season will take seven years.

As the joy of honeymoon and festivities is going on in heaven,there will be a terrible time going on earth, called the TRIBULATION, the Antichrist and the false prophet will be ruling.

After the honeymoon the  the groom will take his bride home,this time the people of the earth shall see the bride,she will no longer veiled. It is called the SECOND COMING OF JESUS .He will establish the millennium rule of Christ together with his bride
Daniel 2:44
Isaiah 9:6-7
Daniel 7:18
Revelation 2:26
Revelation 3:21
Revelation 20:4-6
1 Corinthians 6:2-3

Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.Shalom

Glorious Mwameso (Mrs).

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