Thursday, 2 January 2020


This is an age long practice, common among the blacks. It seems to stem from the following thoughts:
(i) Women with dark skin are not beautiful
(ii) To be beautiful one's skin must be fair by nature or made fair by cosmetics.
(iii) The dark skin is a disdain Through the use of cosmetic soap, lotion, powder etc, some people change the colour of their skin from dark to fair colour so as to look beautiful. It is amazing how some people who were born with dark skin and grew up so, suddenly become very fair in the skin. This of course is the wonder of cosmetics.
Bleaching is generally practiced by both men and women. Some men who married women with dark skin advice their wives to bleach in order to look beautiful.
Bleaching is a common temptation of the blacks that live among the whites and those of coloured race.They do this to resemble them.
The Sin In Bleaching The Skin
(i) It presents a false image of the person
Those who bleach present a false image of themselves. They present a false nature which is contrary to their true nature.
Bleaching changes their natural body colour to an artificial one. They are liars because they have “changed the truth of God into a lie,” Romans 1:25a.
God hates lies and shall damn liars in everlasting hell.
(iii) It is striving with the Make
The healthy skin colour God has given to everyone is good in His sight. To bleach that away because one desires to wear another colour shows discontentment with the handiwork of God and puts the one who does so at war with his Maker.
The Bible pronounces woe upon such a one:
Isaiah 45:9: “Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?”
(iv) It is defilement to the body, the temple of the Holy Spirit
The outer layer of the skin has to be eroded or destroyed to give place to the underlying layer to come up with the desired colour.
This is what cosmetics achieve. The Bible accuses whoever does this of defiling the body, the temple of the Holy Spirit. Whoever does so attracts God's judgment to himself or herself.
1 Corinthians 3:16-17: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.”
(v) It communicates a sinful feeling.
It gives superiority feeling to those with fair skin and a sense of inferiority to those with dark skin. Both feelings are evil before God, who made all men equal. He did not create any man superior or inferior to others. The blindness of sin has caused those with dark skin who bleach to think that they are inferior to others.
Ezekiel 18:29-32: “Yet saith the house of Israel, The way of the Lord is not equal. O house of Israel, are not My ways equal? Are not your ways unequal? Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, saith the Lord GOD. Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions, so iniquity shall not be your ruin.”
(vi) It is a pursuit after physical beauty which is vanity.
Those who do this are seeking to achieve physical beauty to fit well to the world of lust and pride. Beauty is vanity before God.
Prov. 31:30: “Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.”
1 John 2:15-17: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the word, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. The world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abided forever.”
(vII) It is misleading example
Those who bleach their skin in the church spread this corruption among others, especially if they are in leadership position. Their ungodly practice may become acceptable style by other Christians to the pollution of the church.
1 Corinthians 5:6: “Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.”
The Effects Of Bleaching Of The Skin
(I) The outer layer of the skin is bleached away through the use of cosmetics or bleaching machine. This outer layer plays the role of resisting some pathological attacks against the body. Being bleached away, the body has less resistance to attacking germs and bacteria. Many who bleach their skin do not respond well to theater operations.
(ii) Those who use cosmetics to change their skin are in bondage to cosmetics. They must keep on using it to maintain their false or unnatural appearance. Having deceived the people with a false appearance, they are at the mercy of cosmetics to protect their
lies and avoid being a laughing stock among them.
(iii) In process of time or during old age, the body reacts to these chemicals by some twisting, deformation or disfigurement. The Bible calls this burning. This is a foretaste of divine judgment on those who are beauty maniac.
Isaiah 3:24“And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of a well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty.
(iv) People see those who bleach as fake human beings, irresponsible people, and rascals.
Revelation On Bleaching Of The Skin
It is amazing that people who were chosen of God and given divined revelation and those agents of the devil who were truly delivered from occultism and satanic kingdom by the power of God raise the same voice against this ungodly practice:
(i) The cosmetics used for bleaching are manufactured from the spirit world.
(ii) The Chemicals used in manufacturing the cosmetic soap, ointment, lotion, powder, etc. contain human fats and human blood.
(iii) Those who bleach are customers to Satan and attract demons to them.
(iv) Christians who bleach their skin are defiled by these things and are unholy and cannot see God.
Job 34:31-32: “Surely it is meet to be said unto God, I have borne chastisement, I will not offend any more: That which I see not teach thou me: if I have done iniquity, I will do no more.”
Your eyes have been opened to the evil of these things. 
(i)All you need now is repentance toward God and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ, for your forgiveness and cleansing.
(ii) You may fear that abstaining from these cosmetics may affect your face or body. Do not listen to your fears. Be prepared to bear the shame of your past life. Turn to God by prayer and faith and He will make you whole.
(iii) Preach against skin bleaching in the church. Discourage your loved ones from practicing it.
(iv) Study your body reaction to the soap and pomade use. If they are bleaching your skin, cease from using them. You can maintain a clean and healthy skin without bleaching it.
Revelation 22:14-16: “Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.”

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1 comment:

  1. I thank you for this. Those who seek shall find. And God let me find this. It has truly been a blessing to me. I for a long time was uncomfortable in my skin. And I came across a product call Whitenicious... and the maker...she swore she doesnt sell bleaching products..but fast forward years later ...I visit the site again amd it got much you can by self administered injections advertised to get 2 shades lighter, 4 shades light, 8 shades lighter...advertised to have Beyonce skin. I was appauled. Immediately I felt like Satan wanted to offer this option to me...knowing I have low self esteem but the holyspirit put a block on that I prayed and ask the Lord to take this demonic feeling away. So I researched to find out more about cosmetics and bleaching, BBLs( brazillian butt lifts). God doesnt want you to change yourself. Satan will offer you temptation like he did Adam amd Eve to your own God, your own creator, make your own choice, desisions, against what God already made you or told you what is right. We have to be strong in Christ to not take the fruit of "Good and Evil" for our own life like the fruit of Good and Evil offered to Adam and see through the blinders and bullcrap Satan throws to us. Believe what God already said about us and never let go of it. This goes for changing your skin, gender, whatever it may be. Satan copies everything God does, with a twist, and it will always be a counterfeit version, God created the rainbow..satan creates his rainbow (LGBT), God creates his humans made in his image, Satan take what God made and tempts humans to change their look to "create" his own humans " with "false body parts and counterfeit self image" glad God opened my eyes and allowed me to have curiousity to look more into this and gave me "discernment" to "see"...hmmm...something is not right here...and prophecy to speak against this and share the knowledge of what God is trying to reveal here. I agree with the writer of this post. Thank you so much! Love myself, dont change what God made.


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