Friday, 2 February 2018


As indicated earlier, the world cannot and should never set a standard for God's people. We don't copy them because we don't belong to the same king. Every Kingdom has its rules and standards. What the world calls normal and fashionable could be abomination before our King. 

Dating is not for the Kingdom, it has caused the greatest havoc in the Kingdom even splitting churches. Causing alot of emotional wounds, bitterness and hatred 

The children of God have lacked mentors on this area hence adopting the popular culture. 

Dating involves two people going out without a purpose simply because they feel 'hot', they are physically attracted to one another or have a crush on each other. 

Mostly there are no boundaries or ethics in this type of relationships. What starts off as a kiss quickly accelerates to petting, fondling and then full blown sexual immorality 

Although they may claim to be committed to each other as boyfriend and girlfriend they mostly end their relationship after some time when one feels a crush for some one else. In this case one party leaves wounded and devastated because of the emotional investment he or she had made. 

God is a very caring God and He knew the effects of all these things, that why He wanted you to only offer yourself sexually in the confines of a marriage

Courtship is going out with a purpose 

The purpose is marriage and so if you know that you would not consider marriage with that person or you are not ready to consider marriage yet, Don't try courtship. 

Courtship is the first stage towards marriage not second. 

Do not enter into any courtship until you are at a stage in life when marriage is a realistic possibility. 

Understand the importance of the decisions you make regarding marriage 

If you are not ready for marriage just develop friendships with brethren but don't try to win the affection of those friends. 

Corinthians 7:32b, he who is unmarried cares for the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord 

Notice the order in that scripture,.

A Christian should not even begin to look for a mate unless they are ready for marriage. Emotionally and spirituality. A marriage between two emotionally needy people is a total disaster. 

The Bible does not lay out specifics regarding courtship but the good thing is Jesus did not leave us as hopeless, he gave us a teacher, the Holy Spirit. We will piece many scriptures together so as to get a guideline. 

Sometimes God's way looks old fashioned but it's the right way, that is why the cross is still old rugged, not polished and painted. 

Prayer is very key before courtship. It involves two people who are confirmed the will of God for them to be together 

Already confirmed, not trying to see whether things will work out. 

Take time through prayer to discern God's will because you cannot know God's will without prayer 

Emotional intimacy is very delicate, guard your heart and don't dive emotionally into courtship head first. Give yourself sometime and allow it to grow naturally. 

 1 Timothy 5 :2,treat elder women as mothers, the young sisters with ALL PURITY. 

why not young women like sisters? 

Timothy was a young pastor and his spiritual father knew he was not impotent, he had flesh and blood. 

During courtship the youths are highly inflammable and that's why courting for long is not beneficial. Hear God first on how should be your wife, start from there. 

We choose to stay pure because we love God, and we don't want to soil our conscience. 

 I don't know of an erection that doesn't encourage impure thoughts

 Song of Solomon 3:5

 I charge you daughters of Jerusalem by the gazelles or by the does of the field do not stir up or awaken love until it pleases. 

That's a metaphor, don't awaken feelings that you cannot handle righteously

 Matthew 5:28-30

but I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart 

1 Corinthians 7:9,... But if they cannot exercise self control let them marry :it's better to marry than to burn with passion 

1corinthians 10:12, Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall 

2nd Timothy 2:22, flee YOUTHFUL lusts, but PERSUE RIGHTEOUSNESS.... 

1 Thessalonians 5:22, Abstain from every form of evil 

1 Thessalonians 4:3, For this is the will of God, your sanctification :That you should ABSTAIN FROM SEXUAL IMMORALITY..... 

Vs 5,not in passion of lust, like GENTILE WHO DO NOT KNOW GOD 

Ephesians 5:3,But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, LET IT NOT EVEN BE NAMED AMONG YOU 

Galatians 5:19,Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are ADULTERY, FORNICATION, UNCLEANNESS..... 

Proverbs 7:22-23, immediately he went after HER, as an ox goes to the slaughter, or a fool to the correction of the stocks, till an arrow stuck his liver as a bird hastens to the snare HE DID KNOW IT WILL COST HIS LIFE. 

Evangelist Glorious Mwameso
The Revival Of Truth And Holiness Ministry

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