Friday 2 February 2018


Lust makes man a victim of perverted sex, which damns his authority. Love makes a man a steward of consecrated sex, which empowers his authenticity and authority. 

Consecration carries authority; perversion kills authority. A man who can’t conquer lust will never carry authority that lasts, Even His woman will struggle to submit because submission is activated by demonstration of authority through purity. 

Joseph’s authority was protected by his sexual consecration. 

Samson's authority was killed by his sexual perversion; he easily became a victim and a slave of people he was born to rule over once he lost the battle for sex.

The reason why Satan fights a man’s purity so hard with arsenals of pornography, masturbation and perverted sex is because he knows that If he can kill your purity, he has massacred your authority.

Your sexual battle as a man is not just about sex; it’s about authority in manhood and dominion in life!

God is not after killing the sexuality in you; He is after removing the lust in you so that he can confer authority that lasts to you!


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