These are invisible bonds that wreck havoc in many relationships today.
Sexual activity is one of the most harmful activities on earth
Everytime we have Sex outside the confines of marriage we create deep rooted bonds with the other individual
That's why you left your boyfriend got born again but from time to time he still visits for conjugal rights and you are helpless before him.
Every time sexual activity (not necessarily penetration) takes place the brain produces a chemical called dopamine, it's called the feel good chemical but it binds two people together.
A soul tie doesn't get broken by saying I do
A wedding ceremony is not enough to make your past sexual sins to disappear
Soul ties are the reasons why people don't move on. This is the reason you keep on recycling negative relationships even years down the road.
You are born again, but you still have hangovers from your past sexual activities
Man was created in three parts, body, soul and spirit
The soul and spirit live in a tent called the body
Soul is the the part that holds the life principle. It's the seat of emotions, will and moral action.
1 peter 2:11,beloved I beg as pilgrims abstain from fleshly lust which war against the soul
When you have premarital sex you share your soul with your partner.
The deepest soul tie is forged when people become one flesh
It's called commingling of souls in the spiritual realm. When souls mingle spirits are transferred too.
These spiritual bonds are highly demonic. The devil gets a legal ground to frustrate you sexually. The other party is free to enslave you emotionally.
When you have many sexual partners the bonds graduate to spiritual bridges
1corinthians 6:16,or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her? For the two He says shall become one flesh
The knitting of two souls can bring tremendous destruction.
God designed the universe to function with natural and spiritual laws that bring freedom when obeyed and bring bondage and destruction when broken or violated.
That pleasure you enjoy for five minutes can bring you a lifetime bondage.
The world takes premarital Sex very casually but I tell it's a very serious affair in the spiritual realm. It's not as simple as the devil puts it.
Proverbs 5:20 for why should you my son be enraptured by an immoral woman and be embraced in the hands of a seductress?
Genesis 34:1-3,now Dinna the daughter of Leah, went out to see the daughters of the land and when shechem saw her he took her and lay with her and violated her, his soul was STRONGLY attached to Dinna.........
So today you are praying for a good godly marriage the question is are you single in the first place? Many people are single in the physical but polygamous in the spirit.
Children of God the world cannot teach us how to get married, no. We belong to a different Kingdom, we don't date we only court. Jesus is coming for a holy bride not a harlort.
Evangelist Glorious Mwameso
The Revival Of Truth And Holiness Ministry
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